Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This and that

    I haven't blogged in awhile, which I guess I can look at that as a good thing. It means that I am gaining some sort of a life out here in California . . . a life that keeps me busy enough that I don't have time to blog ha-ha! Since the last time I have posted a lot has happened! I was having to visit Adam a lot on the base, being alone a lot at home, and then I finally made a friend last week I believe! God put a person in my life who is actually normal and very down to earth; so for that I am grateful!
    I also got to meet and hangout with a few of Adam's friends from Basic Training that are also going to school here. It felt so much like back at home hanging out with his friends. It was nice being around my man and his friends. They were the first ones to stay the night at our house. They were good sports too; they each had one blanket and one went without a pillow. Hey, Adam and I sleep on an air mattress, so they didn't do too bad! ha-ha
    I am becoming a BOSS when it comes to the bus routes. I finally have that transit all figured out. . . well, for the most part. I actually enjoy riding the bus, but I will still be happy to see my car. :) The movers picked up all of our stuff, 4220 lbs worth, on Friday, and it should all be here by next Friday (Jan 27). I'm crossing my fingers that it might get here sooner ;). Being without all of your stuff really isn't bad or a hard thing to do. I have actually gotten used to it.  Having all of the extras is just a perk in life I have learned. You always think that you can't live without something, until you are without it, and come to find out that you will be just fine. God is teaching me a lot through this move.
    Something I have learned about myself is that even the thought of taking care of something other than myself or Adam gives me terrible anxiety. The thought of owning a dog or having a kid makes my heart start beating really fast and my breathing gets heavier. I know that anxiety doesn't come from the Lord, that it comes from the enemy . . . but right now I can't seem to shake that feeling. I want a dog SO bad, but I don't like the idea of the restrictions that may put on my life. And OF COURSE I want a baby . . . just not right now. LOL Both of our parents will be happy to hear that.
    Okay, I'm rambling.
    Adam got to stay with me Thursday night through last night when he had to go back to the post! I absolutely ADORE spending time with him. He never gets old to me! He is my absolute best friend, and I couldn't be more thankful to God for having him!!!! He really is my angel! <3 He starts school today which is exciting! I can't wait to help him get through this part of our lives, and maybe learn another language with him in the process! I can't wait for our family to come out and visit! I miss them! And most of all, I can't wait for my husband to be able to live with my permanently!
    God is being so gracious and sweet to us! I love Him. I know that sounds like such a small statement, but there are literally no words that could do anything more with what I feel for my Lord. I love Him, and I will forever!

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