Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This and that

    I haven't blogged in awhile, which I guess I can look at that as a good thing. It means that I am gaining some sort of a life out here in California . . . a life that keeps me busy enough that I don't have time to blog ha-ha! Since the last time I have posted a lot has happened! I was having to visit Adam a lot on the base, being alone a lot at home, and then I finally made a friend last week I believe! God put a person in my life who is actually normal and very down to earth; so for that I am grateful!
    I also got to meet and hangout with a few of Adam's friends from Basic Training that are also going to school here. It felt so much like back at home hanging out with his friends. It was nice being around my man and his friends. They were the first ones to stay the night at our house. They were good sports too; they each had one blanket and one went without a pillow. Hey, Adam and I sleep on an air mattress, so they didn't do too bad! ha-ha
    I am becoming a BOSS when it comes to the bus routes. I finally have that transit all figured out. . . well, for the most part. I actually enjoy riding the bus, but I will still be happy to see my car. :) The movers picked up all of our stuff, 4220 lbs worth, on Friday, and it should all be here by next Friday (Jan 27). I'm crossing my fingers that it might get here sooner ;). Being without all of your stuff really isn't bad or a hard thing to do. I have actually gotten used to it.  Having all of the extras is just a perk in life I have learned. You always think that you can't live without something, until you are without it, and come to find out that you will be just fine. God is teaching me a lot through this move.
    Something I have learned about myself is that even the thought of taking care of something other than myself or Adam gives me terrible anxiety. The thought of owning a dog or having a kid makes my heart start beating really fast and my breathing gets heavier. I know that anxiety doesn't come from the Lord, that it comes from the enemy . . . but right now I can't seem to shake that feeling. I want a dog SO bad, but I don't like the idea of the restrictions that may put on my life. And OF COURSE I want a baby . . . just not right now. LOL Both of our parents will be happy to hear that.
    Okay, I'm rambling.
    Adam got to stay with me Thursday night through last night when he had to go back to the post! I absolutely ADORE spending time with him. He never gets old to me! He is my absolute best friend, and I couldn't be more thankful to God for having him!!!! He really is my angel! <3 He starts school today which is exciting! I can't wait to help him get through this part of our lives, and maybe learn another language with him in the process! I can't wait for our family to come out and visit! I miss them! And most of all, I can't wait for my husband to be able to live with my permanently!
    God is being so gracious and sweet to us! I love Him. I know that sounds like such a small statement, but there are literally no words that could do anything more with what I feel for my Lord. I love Him, and I will forever!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Learning and Growing

    Last night and today were GREAT! God has been doing so many things for me the past couple of days to show me how much he cares. He never ceases to amaze me, but at the same time I find myself in amazement of how sweet he is to me. I forget sometimes that He sees me as his daughter and that he wants nothing more than to love on me. Just that thought alone could sustain me for the rest of my life. Anyways, last night I finally got to see Adam after 3 days of being apart. I know to a lot of you that may seem like nothing, but any time apart from him kind of stinks now. . . well, really stinks. I don't think it is something we will ever get used to. We had a great time just being with each other. He loves the people he is coming in contact with, and his daily schedule so that makes me incredibly happy. If he is happy, I am happy. We ate dinner at the PX Subway, so romantic, right? ;) And then walked around looking at all the clothing they have there and such before it was time for me to catch the bus. It was so cold out last night. Goodbyes are always hard, but the greetings we always get make up for it.
    I woke up this morning at 8:15 to people walking in my front yard, talking and moving around. I had no idea what was going on so I got up and saw it was the people who maintain our yard. There was no way I was going back to sleep. I got up and cleaned our kitchen, trying to find other things to keep me busy, when I hear our doorbell ring. I'm not used to a doorbell, especially the one we have; it is REALLY loud. haha So I went to see what was at the door and it was a package. At first I thought it was the pepper spray that Adam bought for me. (Yes, I will have pepper spray, so don't try anything) When I opened it up I saw that it was the router that I ordered just yesterday!!! It made me so happy! That was just one of the many blessings that God gave me today! I never expected it to get here so soon!!!!! It was so easy to hook up too, and so now we are officially wireless. Oh yeah. Once I was done setting that up I decided to start reading my book again. I was reading The Hunger Games. It was seriously a great book! Highly recommend! I finished it and soon after got up, went to target, and got the next book in the series! But before that the doorbell rang again. I jumped up to look out the window and saw a UPS truck! (We have been waiting on a box from my in-laws for a few days now, so I was hoping that's what it was.) I opened the door to see a huge box! Yet another blessing :) I opened it up and saw my blanket from home. It seriously made my whole week! It even smelled like my in-laws house which made me happy! I took everything out and put it all in it's place. That box seriously was such a blessing! So thankful for Bob and Kim  for doing that :)
    When I left Target I jumped on a bus to come home, to jump on another bus to go see Adam. He had called me while I was at Target and told me that he had the whole night to hangout and nothing to do this weekend either! He was so happy :) So I rushed home (as quickly as the bus will take me) and waited on the next bus to take me straight to the Presidio! I finally got there and there he was, my handsome man! Made me happy to see him! We ate subway, yet again and talked for the whole night until my next bus home was on it's way. I hate leaving him, but knowing I get all day tomorrow makes me so happy! I am so thankful for my husband. He sacrifices so much for me. We both do for each other, and I think that is what a marriage should be. We lay ourselves down for one another, and I love that about our relationship. He always has my back, and I always have his. We laugh together, tell jokes to each other, know each other in and out, and yet still find new things out about each other everyday. We are still learning and growing, and I love and cherish every minute of it.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Basic Military Training

Yes, I know... 2 blogs in one day, but I'm home alone, with nothing in my house to entertain me, so here I go.

Adam being gone for 2 months sucked more than anything in my life has ever sucked. Excuse my language. But this moment made everything worth it.

There will never be anything able to compare to the feeling I got when I first saw Adam and knew that I had the power to run to him. At first, I thought I would look stupid running, which I probably do, so I decided to walk. I walked the first few steps, but once I saw him, something took over my body and forced me to run. Ahh, unforgettable moment I will cherish forever. Thank you, Alysia, for capturing that for us to always have and be able to cherish! We love you and miss you!!

California, here we cooooooooome...

    So we have been in California for over 2 weeks now, in our house for over a week, and we just got internet today. Things seem to move kind of slow here, but I have to remember that we did all of this over a couple of holidays, so it was to be expected. Now that Christmas and New Years are behind us, maybe things will start to feel a little normal. Granted, normal for me is about 2,400 miles away. I still catch myself thinking, "wow, I can't believe I am so far from home". It hasn't totally kicked in that I am in CA and the rest of my family is at home in TN. I think the sadness hasn't hit me for one, I was just reunited with my husband I hadn't seen or barely talked to for 2 months, and two, because it feels like we are just on vacation. I think once we get all of our furniture and belongings it might start to fee real.
    Speaking of belongings, we don't have any. The only thing that we have are clothing, a blow-up mattress, and some of our electronics i.e. computers, cell phones, ipad2. I feel like a homeless person who decided to break into a house and live here for awhile. Our whole house is literally empty besides our bedroom which consists of my husbands trash and our blow-up mattress. But seriously, we know how blessed we are. We have a roof over our head, heat, and running water. We are doing a lot better than a lot of people, by the Grace of God. We know how blessed we are, and we acknowledge it every single day.
    There has been one major thing I have had to get used to while being out here . . . Having no car. It was fun at first . . . catching the bus, walking to places we wanted to go. But to be frank, it for real sucks being without a car. It makes what should be a 2 hour day, a 6 hour day. It makes me even more grateful for our car that we have at home, and even more anxious to get it! I will never take a car for granted again. There are positives to the bus at times . . .  1) You don't have to pay for gas. 2) You run into some pretty interesting people. I felt weird at first being a "bus rider" because it's so uncommon at home. Here, there is a bus stop every where you look.
    Adam arrived here the 19th of December. He had to come with the Air Force and immediately sign in at the DLI. I arrived the day after, and let me tell you...it was a long day, to say the least. 10 hours of travel, 11 if you count arriving at the Monterey Airport and taking the taxi to the lodge I was staying. I was bummed because Adam wasn't going to be able to stay with me that night. When I walked into my room, I flipped on the lights, turned to my right, and there he was . . . my incredible husband surprised/scared the heck out of me. I was so so happy. I had been away from him for 2 or 3 days, I don't remember, but it was so good to see him again! We got to spend 11 days together, uninterrupted. We woke up and went to sleep as we pleased. Went where ever we wanted, and had no where we had to be. It was an amazing 11 days. Do not get me wrong though. We were so busy. We wanted to get a jump start on everything. You see, most everyone goes home over that break, but we decided to stay here and get our house, start the process of shipping our goods, and all of that good stuff. We got everything done, which was a challenge when you don't have a car. haha It has definitely been a patience builder, and shown me how blessed I am to have Adam. In times where I am just stressed to the max and in a horrible mood, he is so calm and deals with me. He even laughs about it, which always ticks me off at the time, but makes me happy later.
    He is my greatest blessing. I am really the luckiest girl in the entire world, because of him. I am still in awe to God for giving Adam to me. He is just so understanding, patient, hard working, committed, loyal, and the list could go on and on. We have already had so many adventures while being here; walking 40090 miles down the coast to get cannery row, that we stayed at for 20 minutes, running for our lives to catch buses, getting on the wrong bus and having to stay on it for hours, chasing each other around the house laughing our butts off, the joy we had once the people handed us our keys and said "welcome home", getting our first dog and then having to turn around a give her back because she was too sick for me to take care of, him starting school today, me meeting a friend over facebook who I am still so excited to get here so we can be friends in real life (haha), and me and Adam just starting a whole new chapter together in a whole new place with absolutely no one or nothing being familiar to us. It is so exciting and such a thrill. I cannot wait to see just what else God has in store. He definitely has exceeded my expectations for 2012, and we are only 5 days into it. I cannot imagine what else he could possibly bless us with! Who else he could put in our lives. I cannot wait to have new friendships created, new lives brought into our lives. I have a lot of hopes for 2012 and the time we have left here.
    I miss our families so much. Thank you God for Skype!